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Electric Vehicle Charging

“Energy as a Service”

Alien Mobility

is the ultimate way forwards for the energy transition. Step-by-step integration of our unique energy solutions. Our software has been developed specifically for energy management starting with electric vehicle charging. We have been offering the best solutions to our customers since 2014.

Home Energy Management System Alien Mobility

Home Energy Management System

When an electric vehicle is added to your household, your electricity consumption more than doubles.  At home my energy comfort levels have to remain as they were. I don’t want to limit my regular electricity use, remain in full control and please don’t blow the fuse! So any charging session has to be executed as efficiently as possible. Hence our home energy management becomes important to reduce your expenses and to increase your comfort. We create peace of mind.

Electric Vehicle Charging

According to a comprehensive market survey EV charging @home and @work is where >85% of charging sessions occur. So why not use this new addition to our homes and offices to our advantage? Today EV drivers have to use either scarcely available chargepoints @work or expensive public charging infrastructure. If EV drivers charge at home, all kinds of administrative affairs and prepayment of electricity occur, which complicates getting their electricity consumption fairly reimbursed. Not to mention tax implications when PV-generated electricity is ‘sold’ to my employer. 

Also, having the capability to get around easily, not worry about my next trip, erase any hassle with EV charging and get rid of range anxiety, because there aren’t too many accessible charging stations available. Basically, I want comfort and peace of mind.

Alien Mobility Measure Manage Administer


Step-by-step integration of the Alien Mobility solution.
Success comes to those who will and dare

Step-by-step integration of the Alien Mobility solution

The continuous development of technology has led people to have increasingly complex requirements regarding personal comfort, regardless of what their daily activities involve.

Innovation as it’s meant to be

Semi-private charging (indoor & outdoor)

What could be nicer than being able to charge at each other’s premises without inconveniencing the owner of the charging station to any extent. That way we all stay mobile and do not depend on public charging stations that, let’s face it, take a lot of money. We stand for semi-private charging stations, no more or less than bundling all non-public charging stations on a smart way.

Undisputed Energy Blocks

Our unique and disruptive solution, now awarded by Flanders Technology & Innovation, stands for energy block exchange (transferring energy blocks from digital meter A to digital meter B using Blockchain Technology, among others). Basically no more or less than making uncontested meter corrections. During a charging session, we capture those charging blocks (15min of energy consumption) by means of a device we developed ourselves (smartbox) in combination with our software platform and then make them uncontestable so that the financial person responsible can be held accountable for them. All this in a fully digitized process.


We collaborate with innovative companies from all over the world who have chosen to partner with us.